Software Vault: The Emerald Collection
Software Vault (The Emerald Collection) (American Databankers Corporation).ISO
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│ 14 - Games and Humor │
1GU5ASC.ZIP 29516 02-23-94 Inside Games Issue 5.
3DMAN102.ZIP 144926 02-10-94 3d-Mania 1.02. Strategy-game with
| Tetris roots and mixed with elements of
| role games; stereoscopic 3D-viewing
| (with glasses); randomly appearing
| stones with special functions; supports
| SoundBlaster/AdLib/joystick/mouse;
| requires: 286/VGA.
9000K.ZIP 47958 02-27-94 SimCity 2000 city: 9,000,000
| population.
ACEDAY2.ZIP 11646 02-15-94 Aces of Pacific: %100 skill level, 11
| kills!
ACHKV12.ZIP 543513 02-07-94 Argo Checkers: Remake of a classic!
| Gorgeous graphics, great sound, and
| smooth play make this the most enjoyable
| Checkers game ever! Includes over a MEG
| of animated 256 color VGA graphics &
| digital sound. Requires: VGA/286.
ADCMD23A.ZIP 145651 02-21-94 Admirals Command 2.3a: A Battleship
| game with a twist. Admirals Command
| offers these features: Islands, mines,
| minesweeping, submerge submarine, move
| spy ship. Req: Mouse/VGA.
AE2_DOOM.ZIP 10937 03-22-94 Run DOOM multi-player on Lantastic.
AEGUN1.ZIP 5167 03-27-94 Complete ordnance and text files to
| change weapons for various aircraft in
| Aces Over Europe.
AFTON_MT.ZIP 295695 02-21-94 Jack Nicklaus signature: Afton
| Mountain Country Club.
AIRPTS12.ZIP 81764 02-05-94 FS4-FS5-ATP: This is Revision 12 of the
| list which contains Airports WORLDWIDE
| and includes Airport I.D., Elev, VOR,
| ILS, NDB, COM, ATIS, COORDS and Runway
| lengths. This file is in .WK1 Lotus and
| .FMT Wysiwyg, together with .DOC. Delete
| previous versions.
ALIENS2.ZIP 70518 02-21-94 Alien Attack 2.0: Your mission is to
| defend the planet from the aliens.
| Supports: Mouse, keyboard, joystick, and
| Gravis gamepad. Source code in Quick-
| Basic 4.5 available from author.
| Requires: CGA.
ALLBUG2.ZIP 14057 02-23-94 ALLBUGS 2.0: Catch bugs. Text game.
ALPHAMAN.ZIP 114962 03-15-94 ALPHA MAN 1.1 Requires: EGA/VGA Soleau
| Software has created another new fun-
| filled strategy logic game. Use Alpha
| Man to push your letter blocks into the
| proper places on the game board to solve
| each of the 25 puzzles. The game is
| packed with features and is written in
| beautiful EGA/VGA graphics. Simple to
| play, but not so easy to solve. Alpha
| Man's a puzzler's delight!
ANSISKI.ZIP 46840 03-14-94 FUN and ADDICTING Ski game where you or
| you and a friend (using the TWO PLAYER
| SIMULTANEOUS play option) try to ski
| farther than anyone has ever gone
| before! Only the best will be able to
| make it.
ANTRUN.ZIP 138082 03-03-94 Ant Run 1.2 Requires EGA/VGA & Mouse.
| Race against the clock as you rotate
| tunnels for the ant to run through. Fast
| thinking and reflexes are required to
| keep the ant scurrying through the Ant
| Hill passageways. Gain extra points for
| bonus tunnels and other objects as you
| try for the Top Ten High Scores. Keep
| your ant on the move with various
| strategies for really high scores.
ANTS104.ZIP 96056 02-05-94 ANTS 1.04: The object of the game is
| to bring seeds to the Queen ant. The
| Queen may then create more ants, to
| bring more seeds, to make more ants,
| etc.
ANTS117.ZIP 103634 02-03-94 Ant Wars 1.17.
A_Q2PLUS.ZIP 224931 02-02-94 Quatris II Plus: Tetris-type game.
BACKUP13.ZIP 125727 02-22-94 BACKUP 1.3 A board game where four
| opponents compete to become the first to
| move all four pieces around the board.
| Along the way pieces may be "bumped" or
| switched. Documentation: README.TXT
| and on-line help.
| Balloon Challenge pits you against the
| computer as you try to launch your 25
| balloons into a sky maze filled with
| planes, rain clouds, hurricanes and much
| more! The higher the balloon can rise
| into the sky, the higher the score. You
| have to use logic and blocking strat-
| egies in order to beat the Computer.
| Beautiful animated graphics!
BASECON.ZIP 73232 02-02-94 Scorched Earth clone with many extras.
| Requires: VGA.
BATS20.ZIP 371551 02-06-94 Invasion of the Mutant Space Bats of
| Doom. Release 2.0 Shoot'em-up arcade
| action game. FACE the challenge of over
| sixty rounds of swarming, swirling,
| sneaky mutant space bats! FEEL the
| sweat forming on your brow! TASTE the
| fear as they get meaner and faster!
| Included 2 player game, bonus rounds,
| power-ups, great animation, fast play!
BBOX11.ZIP 28014 02-07-94 Black Box - is a logic game where you
| have to figure out the location of
| targets in a grid by firing rays into
| the box from any edge.
BCOLUMN.ZIP 21031 03-27-94 Beyond Columns 1.1: Tetris-like game
| in which you must connect block
| patterns.
BEETRIS.ZIP 56509 03-13-94 Tetris like game, with hexagons instead
| of square based shapes.
BERNIE10.ZIP 44402 02-07-94 Bernie 1.0: Action/arcade rescue game.
| Sup: AdLib/SB/PC speaker.
BLAKEDRW.ZIP 20060 03-08-94 Blake Stone Floor Maps: What's better
| than gold? Floor maps to find that
| gold! Print these scalable .DRW files
| and use them to finish each floor with
| 100% possible points collected! Now
| you can end the game in victory and get
| some work done! Req: A drawing program
| compatible with Micrographix DRAW! and
| Apogee's BLAKE STONE-Aliens of Gold 1.0.
BLAKEMAP.ZIP 26692 03-22-94 Blake Stone Floor Maps! What's better
| than gold? Floor maps to find that
| gold! Use these BMP files to find your
| way to the finish. Now you can end the
| game in victory and get some work
| accomplished! Req: BMP viewer and
| Apogee's Blake Stone.
BLDHELP.ZIP 9981 02-10-94 Tips and help for Bloodstone. NOT a
| solve! Downloaded directly from
| Mindcraft BBS.
BLINDWAR.ZIP 140112 03-15-94 BLIND WARS 1.1 A strategy war game. The
| object is to conquer all the cities on
| the game board. Quite challenging
| because you cannot see the strength of
| the opposing armies. It plays like
| 'Risk', yet adds elements such as
| production centers, volcanic eruptions,
| floods, and much more! Options include,
| save game, speed play and levels of
| difficulty. Req: EGA/VGA & Mouse.
BMAN1.ZIP 84749 03-10-94 BLOCK-MAN 1 1.0 Req: EGA/VGA Block-
| Man is a commoner in Bentangle who is in
| love with the King's daughter. The King
| ordered his masons to construct 10 rooms
| in such a way that great ingenuity would
| be required to complete them. Using
| blocks left in the rooms he devised this
| brilliant plan to select a worthy hus-
| band for his Princess. Help Block Man
| reach the doorways to find his love!
BMANAGER.ZIP 61729 03-23-94 Version 5.1 of the X-Wing Manager. This
| version is for those who have the B-Wing
| add-on. Lets you edit ship's weapons,
| performance, & shields. Also, retrieves
| and promotes pilots. Even change the
| color of space itself! From Greg
| "Sturmer" Smith, the creator of the
| original X-Wing Manager.
BOB1.ZIP 78617 03-01-94 Paratrooper Bob 1 1.0 Req: EGA/VGA
| Paratrooper Bob is looking to follow in
| his family's long military heritage. He
| must complete special drills which will
| require reasoning skills, perseverance,
| and logic to outwit enemies in battle.
| Using his parachute to collect orbs,
| land on special hovercrafts and other
| objects, he must reach the defined goal
| for each drill.
BOLO3.ZIP 110660 03-08-94 BOLO ADVENTURES III 1.1 A challenging
| strategy game where the objective is to
| get Mr. Bolo out of 15 rooms of mind-
| boggling puzzles. Each room is filled
| with obstacles like lasers, crates,
| water and boxes and more! Unlike arcade
| games, Bolo Adventures isn't a contest
| of how fast you're reflexes are, it's a
| test of your resourcefulness. A must
| for all serious gamers. Req: EGA/VGA.
BOLOBOX.ZIP 96411 03-15-94 BOLO BOX 1.2 Requires: EGA/VGA Bolo
| Box is a new logic and problem solving
| game from Soleau Software. The object-
| ive is to flip tiles on a 10x10 grid
| back to the same color in as few moves
| as possible. The game is simple to
| play, yet is quite addicting. Solu-
| tions for the first 10 out of 50 puzzles
| are provided. Bolo Box is packed with
| features and is fun for all ages.
BOMBERS.ZIP 261490 03-05-94 Sky Bombers. Action adventure game
| with a graphic style of it's own. Help
| our hero battle the forces of evil that
| will appear in all directions.
BREAK321.ZIP 159067 02-13-94 A SB/VGA breakout type game from
| Europe!
BREAK402.ZIP 168640 01-28-94 BREAKIN: 256-Color Breakout game with
| SB support.
BS20_1.ZIP 1378730 02-11-94 BLAKE STONE 2.0 APOGEE 3-D ACTION. In
| 1992 came Wolfenstein. NOW there's
| Blake Stone: Aliens of Gold! A battle
| against a madman who's hatched an army
| of doom, with mutants, biodroids,
| demons--all genetically designed for
| mass terror! Blake 2.0 has an even more
| impressive list of features than the
| original release. Rediscover it today!
| Req: 386+, DOS 5+. AdLib/SB supported.
BTC100.ZIP 117228 03-27-94 BATTLE CHARGE 1.0: Battle Charge is a
| two-player strategy game played by
| moving neutral and charged pieces within
| a distribution of pieces from two
| opposing sets (red vs. blue). The
| objective is to capture your opponent's
| king. Req: 8086/300K RAM/VGA/Mouse/
| Driver.
BTECH21.ZIP 90840 02-25-94 Battletech Mech editor for Windows
| preview.
BTMA140.ZIP 140114 03-18-94 Battle Tech Map Editor 1.4: Improved
| screen graphics, printer routine
| (supports Epson/ IBM Proprinter
| compatible), jump to new area feature,
| single density, form feed toggles. Full
| file name and file window display.
BTTLR11.ZIP 25795 02-14-94 BATTLERAFT 1.1 for GeoWorks Ensemble:
| Battleship type game.
CCARDS52.ZIP 18476 03-14-94 Crazy Cards: A Card Sharks clone.
| Mono or Color. Keeps score. Fun game
| for everyone!
CFLAG14.ZIP 250280 02-25-94 CAPTURE THE FLAG! 1.4 Trophy Winner!
| Dash through opponent's beautifully
| detailed terrain in a desperate race to
| capture their flag before they capture
| yours. Analyze your team's skills,
| develop tactics and deploy your team-
| mates using natural cover to intercept
| and capture the opposition's raiders.
| 640K, VGA, & 286.
CHAL10C.ZIP 199801 02-01-94 PERSONAL CHALLENGE 1.0c: Lets you play
| educational trivia games to test your
| knowledge as you compete against your-
| self or other players in 5 categories.
| Your choice of Beginner, Intermediate or
| Expert level determines the speed at
| which you must play and the points you
| can earn. Each player earns an Honorary
| Degree and a chance for fame on the High
| Scorers list. Replaces IQ CHALLENGE.
CHMPAS12.ZIP 94255 02-19-94 Champion Asteroids game - VGA required.
CHOICE29.ZIP 97238 03-12-94 Choice 2.9: This game has three old
| fashioned text type games in one.
| Choose between Find-Me, Trap-Me, and
| Reverse. Multi-BBS, multi-node, baud
| rates to 115K, Fossil Driver/DV aware.
| Com-ports 0-15. Fixed the NO ANSI
| errors. Works with /M and also works in
| local mode now for testing.
CHSSGM93.ZIP 106922 03-17-94 A collection of 294 chess games from
| 1993 tournaments in Linares, London,
| Arnhem, Jakarta, Interpolis, 1993 FIDE
| and PCA world championship matches.
CIPHER21.ZIP 79393 03-01-94 Cipher 2.11. Cryptoquotes word puzzle
| game. Runs in hi-res EGA/VGA graphics
| or in text modes. Many features: hints,
| saved games, high scores hall of fame,
| etc. Enter your own puzzles, either
| straight text or ones already encrypted.
| Game is written by Nels Anderson.
CITYGOLD.ZIP 184490 02-03-94 An excellent game module for SSI's
| Forgotten Realms/Unlimited Adventures.
CIV_MAP2.ZIP 6236 03-23-94 Civilization internal improvement
| structure.
CLSCHS10.ZIP 70470 02-10-94 CHOOSE 1.0: Excellent for Roleplaying
| Games! Makes random decisions based on
| an ASCII text file. Accurately simu-
| lates any table, or series of tables
| usually resolved with dice. Many useful
| sample files.
CLSGAL10.ZIP 203738 03-06-94 Galleons 1.0: Multi-player, multi-
| window, fast action Ship vs Ship Arcade
| game. VGA (256 color) with SoundBlaster
| support.
CLX101.ZIP 97935 02-06-94 Color Cross 1.01: Unique, abstract, and
| kinetic two-player color strategy game
| whose objective is to freeze all of your
| opponent's pieces. Requires:
| 8086/300K/VGA/Mouse.
CROSSWD6.ZIP 227057 03-17-94 CROSSWORD POWER 6.00 <ASP> Create
| crossword puzzles from your words and
| clues. Words are manually or auto-
| matically placed in the puzzle grid.
| Auto-search can examine over 200 differ-
| ent word arrangements to find the best
| puzzle. Puzzles can also be saved as
| WordPerfect 5.1 macros. Requires 512K
| and DOS 2.1 or greater.
CRPT22.ZIP 58455 02-01-94 Cryptogrammer 2.2: Fun word game
| solver.
CRUSHER.ZIP 126823 03-17-94 CRUSHER 3.2 Requires: EGA/VGA Crusher
| is an adventure, arcade, and strategy
| game all in one. Explore 25 different
| rooms searching for different object-
| ives. Avoid monsters, grab oxygen,
| blast through walls, rescue beautiful
| women and more! Crusher is fun for the
| entire family. No two games are ever
| the same. It provides a constant
| challenge every time you play.
| Crusher Castle II is and adventure,
| strategy, and arcade game all in one.
| Your objective is to escape from a
| haunted castle of 25 rooms filled with
| ghosts, bombs, candles, maps, and much
| more. Packed with features and with
| animated graphics, no two adventures
| are ever the same! Very few have
| escaped the Castle. Can you?
D210TRN.ZIP 25941 03-09-94 Trainer Module for Duke Nukem II 1.0:
| Includes god mode, warp, and weapons.
DEFCON12.ZIP 71558 02-14-94 DEFCON 1 1.2 by ROMulus Software DEFCON
| 1 is a missile command style game. Your
| goal is to stop oncoming waves of a wide
| variety ICBMs launched from Switzerland.
| Your arsenal's and the ICBMs variety
| increase the further you progress in the
| game. Requires a Microsoft compatible
| mouse VGA card and monitor 286-12 Mhz
| processor or faster.
DEFIAN10.ZIP 259787 02-12-94 DOC DEFIANT 1.0: Can you stop the
| dastardly Doc Defiant from unleashing
| his freeze ray equipped satellite
| against Earth? To triumph, you'll have
| to defeat four of Defiant's henchmen in
| a board game requiring logic and
| strategy. You are the planet's last
| defense. Don't let everyone down. Req:
| EGA/HD/Mouse.
DK2MAP11.ZIP 31213 02-25-94 Duke2Map 1.1: Utility for displaying
| maps of Apogee Software's Duke Nukem 2.
| Fully configurable and can therefore be
| set up to provide any level of detail
| required.
DL747.ZIP 27777 02-06-94 A Neat looking Delta Airlines 747 for
| FS4/FS5.
DLSAVES2.ZIP 276959 02-20-94 Some saves games for Darklands.
| Requires Version 7.
DONLAND.ZIP 41054 02-24-94 Huge city for SimCity 2000: Has a lot
| of money and residents.
DOOM1_2.ZIP 2257896 02-28-94 DOOM is a fast-moving virtual reality
| game in which you are plunged into a
| brutal 3-D world. To escape alive, you
| must outfight legions of grisly fiends
| and solve DOOM's lethal puzzles. You
| play a space marine equipped with a
| variety of weapons and technological
| artifacts, but in the end it comes down
| to who's tougher: you or them.
DOOMGO.ZIP 77343 03-04-94 Palette manipulation utility for DOOM.
DOOMGUS.ZIP 6665 03-08-94 DOOM 1.0 GUS SOUND FIX: Put these
| files into your /DOOM dir, then go kick
| some aliens in the posterior side.
DOOMLD13.ZIP 74570 02-13-94 DOOMLOAD 1.3 Coded by Christian Antkow
| Intended to be run instead of DOOM.EXE
| and SETUP.EXE. What should have been
| included in the original DOOM release;
| QuickNet Network Play Setup. Select
| Starting Level to Play. SUDDEN DEATH
| Play. Fixed bug from version 1.2 for no
| network.
DOOMMAPS.ZIP 39490 03-22-94 Maps for DOOM.
DOOMSEC3.ZIP 6337 02-10-94 Play the secret Warrens level from DOOM
| 1.1 - Inferno.
DOOMSTUF.ZIP 93471 03-02-94 DOOM Utilities: A Compilation of DOOM
| Utilities. The Savegame Format For
| DOOM. Two Different Savegame Editors.
| SERIAL PORT Networking for DOOM.
DOOM_FAQ.ZIP 39642 03-25-94 Questions and Answers about DOOM!
DOSMINE.ZIP 13282 02-10-94 DOSMINE: Minefield for the rest of us
| is a version of the popular Windows game
| "Minesweeper" for DOS character-mode
| displays. Designed for play-ability on
| monochrome LCD displays, this program
| requires no mouse, and is great for
| low-end laptops.
DOTSO.ZIP 100849 03-27-94 DOTSO 1.0 Play against the computer in
| this classic game of 'connect the dots'.
| This strategy game adds new twists and
| features. Multiple difficulty levels
| are provided so that all ages will be
| challenged. Each time you play Dotso
| the board setup will be different, so it
| will challenge you every time! Req:
DSCHUMP.ZIP 300824 03-22-94 Dschump: Action/puzzle game. This
| version has 20 levels, MIDI, and
| digitized sound. Joystick/sound card
| support. Req: VGA/500K.
DWAFARMR.ZIP 4655 04-15-94 Magical Dwarvish armor for all of you
| little squat sized warriors in the AD&D
| world. From Pendragon Productions!
D_MPRTRN.ZIP 5874 03-01-94 Merchant Prince Trainer Rel.
EAGLESSE.ZIP 225767 02-01-94 Jack Nicklaus signature - Eagles Talon
| Gold Course.
EKG11.ZIP 32251 02-12-94 This Screen Saver Looks Like an EKG
| Machine: Complete With Grids & Numbers.
| Will Flatline if A Key is Pressed.
| Required: VGA.
ELPLBANF.ZIP 156861 02-15-94 Links386 Pro tournament results from
| Banff Springs. Played by ELPL members.
| Contains leaderboard and recorded games.
ELPLINNI.ZIP 163094 02-09-94 Links386 Pro tournament results from
| Innisbrook. Played by ELPL members.
| Contains leaderboard, stats, and
| recorded games.
EVSTILES.ZIP 7553 03-07-94 MJ TileSet: patterns.
EXLSIO.ZIP 595007 03-06-94 Massive Ultima-like RPG game. Supports
| Sound Blaster and mouse. For those who
| long for their Apple II's & Lord
| British.
F321PK.ZIP 11510 02-01-94 Updated utilities for FALCON 3.02.1:
| This has the latest version of the
| high-speed modem, padlock and
| thrustmaster utilities.
FACETREX.ZIP 123546 03-16-94 FACETREX 1.0 Req: EGA/VGA Challenging
| and pure strategy logic game where the
| objective is to use your animated man to
| push faces located on a 12x8 grid board
| onto their negative image located else-
| where on the board. The face grids will
| slide in the direction pushed until they
| hit either another face grid or the side
| of the board, or special arrow grids
| which re-direct the push. 25 puzzles!
FATE_DOX.ZIP 7193 03-26-94 Legend of Kyrandia 2 review/tutorial.
FFA21.ZIP 298252 02-04-94 Fantasy Football Assistant 2.1a <ASAD>
| Software program to help fantasy foot-
| ball league commissioners run a league.
| Very flexible, user configurable to suit
| your league needs. Don't let job of
| being league commissioner take the fun
| out of being in a fantasy league, let
| FFA do the work for you.
FIFTN10.ZIP 44722 02-01-94 Fifteens - an innovative solitaire
| game. A grid of cards is generated and
| you must remove sets of cards whose
| value totals 15. Face cards can only be
| removed in sets of 4 like cards.
| Other features include a top scores list
| and a timer option.
FLOATR11.ZIP 357023 02-17-94 Floatris: 256 color VGA/MCGA floating
| blocks game. Real time control over
| eight independent yet integrated shafts.
| Excellent graphics and tight game play,
| making this the ultimate in arcade
| block puzzle game.
FORREST.ZIP 10461 02-08-94 Map for Return to Zork's: Forest of
| the Spirts.
FPDRAFT.ZIP 183701 02-14-94 Football Pro Draft Utility.
FPEDITP.ZIP 200973 02-26-94 Front Page Sports Football Pro Editor.
FS4EIRE.ZIP 137351 02-08-94 FS Scenery file for Ireland. Req:
| SD-EUR and A&SD. Good detail with true
| airports locations and navaids.
FS50A.ZIP 1442363 02-27-94 Patch to Update Microsoft Flight
| Simulator Version 5.0 to Version 5.0a.
| Bug Fixes, Improved Frame Rate, And
| More! Requires Reinstallation of
| Scenery Add-Ons.
FS5_DRV.ZIP 33568 03-20-94 Flight Simulator 5 Flightstick Pro
| Driver.
GALAC15.ZIP 805526 03-22-94 Galactix 1.5: FINAL version of a good
| game. The Xidus fleets are invading,
| and you are the last ship left to save
| Earth. Req: 286/VGA/MCGA/3MB HD. Sup:
| SB/Adlib.
GALLANT.ZIP 96907 02-22-94 Sir Guy Gallant & The Deadly Warning. A
| mystery adventure game set in mid-17th
| century England. Cool!
GAMES21A.ZIP 11865 03-20-94 Recommended DOS settings for games.
| Replaces May 1993 version.
GB16.ZIP 303553 02-20-94 GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #16! This
| issue contains 20 reviews of hot games
| like Doom, Blake Stone, Sam and Max,
| Terminator Rampage, Gabriel Knight and
| more. Previews of games like Raptor
| Pacific Strike, TFX, plus more. In
| order to view the screen shots, you must
| also download GB16-GRA.ZIP and unzip in
| the same directory as GB16.ZIP.
GB16_GRA.ZIP 1397888 02-14-94 GAME BYTES MAGAZINE Issue #16! This is
| the graphics library file that must
| accompany GB16.ZIP. Unzip this file in
| the same directory as GB16.ZIP and you
| will be able to view all the
| screenshots. Thanks for reading Game
| Bytes.
GDM3.ZIP 393802 04-13-94 GAME DEVELOPERS MAGAZINE - Issue 3
| Created by Phil Inch - Australian Made!
| Bursting at the seams with source code
| and explanations! This issue - PCX
| files, sprites, integer optimization,
| digital sound and much, much more!
| Don't delay - get GDM today and start
| writing your own games!
GEMMA20.ZIP 74457 03-18-94 GEMMA 2.0: VGA maze/board game. Never
| the same game twice. Gemma combines
| elements of chess and maze-solving in a
| surprisingly challenging, absorbing
| game. It looks so easy. Lush graphics!
| Req: 286/VGA/512k.
GEMPIR20.ZIP 242267 02-25-94 World Empire. Classic strategy game.
| Battle the computer or fellow humans for
| world domination! This award-winning
| program offers hours, nay, days - of
| enjoyable hegemony. Viable Software
| Alternatives with Ultimate Software.
GEOMAZE.ZIP 33411 02-23-94 Geoworks Ensemble Maze Game: Works
| like a Geoworks Appliance in the World
| Directory.
GINRUM44.ZIP 77728 02-09-94 GinRummy 4.4: Play against the
| computer. Requires: VGA/EGA/HERC/Mouse/
| Keyboard.
GMASSIST.ZIP 667971 02-04-94 This is an EXCELLENT utility that will
| help GMs run campaigns. Has a built in
| character generator, melee combat
| program, vehicle combat, space ship
| combat, and much much more. Loosely
| based on the RoleMaster system, it can
| is best off when used as a gaming system
| unto itself.
GMSB28.ZIP 74217 02-23-94 GAMBLER'S MATE: Super Bowl Ed XXVIII -
| WINS! Answers question, "WHO WILL WIN
| SUPER BOWL?" Picks Super Bowl WINNER at
| 24-3 88.9%! YES! BEST BET scenario has
| been 15-0 100.0% LOOK! Picked UNDERDOG
| to win 6 times, 6-0 100.0%! Endorsed by
| Mike Caro-Mad Genius of Gambling!
GOT100.ZIP 738677 03-23-94 GOD OF THUNDER. Software Creations
| Arcade/adventure game. Thor must think
| and fight his way past dozens of puzzles
| and hundreds of enemies to reach the
| final showdown with the evil boss who is
| terrorizing innocent villagers! Sound
| Blaster digitized sound and full Adlib
| soundtrack. VGA & 286+ required.
GOTCHA24.ZIP 74270 02-01-94 GOTCHA 2.32: Colorful graphics and
| challenges await you navigating the
| meanies and mines. Can you clear the
| game zone? Req: DOS 3.31/VGA.
GPW110.ZIP 565044 03-17-94 Grand prize winner lotto.
GRNHELL.ZIP 45585 02-13-94 This is a SimCity 2000 city that I
| made. I have about 15 arcologies in
| there, about 75% appreciation from the
| people, good fire and police coverage.
| Almost fills the whole map. Check it
| out, see what you can do with it. It's
| called Green Hell.
GRONINGN.ZIP 89311 03-27-94 Groningen PCA Qualifiers Chess Games in
| CM4000 format.
GWIZ22.ZIP 105404 02-09-94 GAME WIZARD: GAME CHEATING utility. It
| has the ability to search/modify/lock
| items while playing games, create
| personalized cheat files, save/load
| current game in progress, view text
| files inside games, adjust game playing
| speed, shell to DOS within games, quick
| exit to DOS from programs and more.
| Requires: 10k RAM.
GWIZ_23A.ZIP 111815 03-31-94 GAME WIZARD 2.3A. The most powerful
| GAME CHEATING utility ever developed
| anywhere in the world. NOW WITH FULL
| MANAGERS. It has the ability to:
| search/modify/lock items while playing
| games; create personalized cheat files;
| save/load current game in progress; view
| text files inside games; adjust game
| playing speed; and much more.
HAMMER1.ZIP 617200 02-11-94 STAR HAMMER 1.0: Mankind has been at
| war for 28 years with the evil race
| known as the Sloboids. Become a
| Starfighter pilot in this mission-based
| space combat game. Features full-screen
| 16 direction scrolling, save game, full
| dynamic Adlib/SoundBlaster sound-track,
| digitized speech and action galore.
| Req: VGA/HD. Sup: Joystick.
HANGMAN.ZIP 53958 02-09-94 BASIC HANGMAN 5.15: Classical Hangman
| game with a twist! Four levels of play,
| including Traditional, Educational (with
| definitions), Literate (with quotations)
| and Personalized Hangman (enter your own
| words and phrases). Runs in DOS on mono
| or color display. Fun for everyone!
HANGMN64.ZIP 69353 03-21-94 Hangman: Use your own words or
| supplied lists. Color and mono support.
| The traditional Hangman game with four
| levels of play including Traditional,
| Educational, Literate (with quotations)
| and Personalized Hangman (enter your own
| words and phrases). Runs in DOS on mono
| or color display. For adults. Kids
| version is called BASIC HANGMAN.
| The traditional Hangman game with three
| levels of play. Includes both Words and
| Phrases in English or French. Also a
| Personalized version (enter your own
| words and phrases). Runs in DOS on mono
| or color display. Great for building
| vocabulary.
| The traditional Hangman game with three
| levels of play. Includes both Words and
| Phrases in English or Spanish. Also a
| Personalized version (enter your own
| words and phrases). Runs in DOS on mono
| or color display. Great for building
| vocabulary.
HAVOC13.ZIP 41138 03-24-94 ELECTRON HAVOC 1.3 Arcade game
| requires VGA and mouse. Shoot tracers
| at your opponent while using gravity
| pockets to guide your missiles.
HBANG2.ZIP 296029 02-19-94 Puzzle lovers of all ages will enjoy
| this new addition to the Head Banger
| line of puzzles. Choose from four
| challenging pictures and three levels of
| difficulty. Once the image is
| scrambled, use the mouse to leap picture
| blocks to unscramble the image.
HENRY10.ZIP 44243 02-17-94 Jeu d'Henri (Henry's game) 1.0: 2
| players alternately remove at least one
| piece from only one row per turn and the
| player who grabs the last piece loses.
HERO12.ZIP 123808 03-03-94 Hero's Heart is a challenging game of
| puzzles requiring a sharp mind but no
| quick reflexes. Push objects about,
| collect the hearts, and escape each
| level before being killed by boulders,
| arrows, Worms, Creepers, and more. Pit
| yourself against the handcrafted puzzles
| from Everett Kaser, author of Sherlock
| and Solitile.
HORROR12.ZIP 63311 02-18-94 ENDLESS HORROR 1.2. Arcade game needs
| EGA or VGA and mouse. A parody of those
| "Street Fighter"-type games. Spar with
| mutants! Knock their heads off or get
| slimed!
HWITZ095.ZIP 321238 02-01-94 HOWITZER 0.95b: Multi-player artillery
| combat simulator. Digital Soundblaster
| sound. Supports EMS and screens up to
| 1024x768x256. Many types of fractal
| landscapes, weather, ammo, shields, and
| tanks. Req: SVGA/386.
ISLEWAR.ZIP 205426 03-16-94 ISLE WARS 3.0 Requires EGA/VGA & Mouse
| Never touch the keyboard as you try to
| conquer countries and continents in your
| attempt to rule the world of Isle Wars.
| New features have been added such as air
| moves, earthquakes, rebellions, floods,
| bonus cards, and production centers.
| Options include, sound toggle, save
| game, score boards, speed play and
| multiple levels of difficulty.
ISOL28.ZIP 53415 03-13-94 ISOLATE 2.80 Highly Addictive Strategy
| Game That Lets You Match Wits With Your
| Computer! Easy To Learn, Yet Difficult
| To Master!
JELLICO.ZIP 259138 02-10-94 Jack Nicklaus signature: Jellico
| Junction.
JETMOD_B.ZIP 35257 02-16-94 Jetpack Graphics Module: Christmas.
| An add-on module for Jetpack.
| Add-on module for Jetpack. Help Jetpack
| Junior collect more glowing orbs with
| all new game play graphics!
JETPKLEV.ZIP 11922 02-27-94 JetPack: Christmas Level/Frosty Plain
| Level will freeze your brain!
JETPK_E.ZIP 6337 02-10-94 JetPack Hyper Levels: A complete story
| line of levels, for Registered and
| Unregistered Versions. In similarity
| like Super Mario Bros.
JETPLEV1.ZIP 11709 02-16-94 Jetpack Christmas Special: Spooky
| Undergrounds Add-On Level.
JPCASTLE.ZIP 8363 02-24-94 Castlevania JetPack Levels: Customized
| levels in the form of a Castlevania
| game! 22 Full-featured levels, plus a
| log of every level in detailed clues!
JPLEVEL2.ZIP 15909 02-27-94 Level for Jetpack! This one is tough!
JPLEVEL3.ZIP 16127 02-07-94 Great level for "Jetpack".
JU88C.ZIP 35834 02-25-94 Patch for Dynamix Aces Over Europe.
| Fly the German Bomber JU88 Added plane
| for this sim and other improvments
| [event processed 01-25-94].
KENO401.ZIP 23539 03-13-94 Huckabey Keno (Vegas style). View
| Payoffs, keeps top Ten. Easy to use!
| Color Only!
KOMBAT.ZIP 9609 03-18-94 All moves for all characters in Mortal
| Kombat II. Fatalities for all
| characters except Raiden, Sub-Zero and
| Kitana. This ZIP contains an Excel 4.0
| spreadsheet which will produce a great
| cheat sheet or you can use the enclosed
| ASCII file to produce your own sheet.
KOSYNK11.ZIP 67570 03-10-94 Kosynka implements the solitaire card
| game which is known in Russia. Kosynka
| means "Big Scarf", and the rules of this
| solitaire are rather analogous to the
| well-known game of solitaire called
| Klondike, but this variant uses a double
| pack (104 cards) which is arranged in 9
| (or 10) columns. Very nice, Russian
| face cards.
LAVACAP.ZIP 112847 03-21-94 LAVACAP 2.1 Requires: EGA/VGA & Mouse
| Lavacap is an exciting arcade strategy
| game similar to Soleau Software's popu-
| lar game called Oilcap. Race against
| the clock as you try to construct a
| series of canals to contain a lava flow
| from an erupting volcano. Lavacap is
| packed with new features and is written
| in beautiful EGA/VGA graphics.
LEAGBALL.ZIP 170042 03-24-94 League Basketball 01b: The wide beta
| release of this simple and powerful
| fantasy league statistics tracking
| program. Assigns scores and maintains
| rankings. Designed for ease of use.
LEM93DEM.ZIP 154794 02-20-94 Lemmings '93 Holiday test drive version
| limited to 4 levels, but fun!
LINKSPRO.ZIP 18738 02-09-94 Nine Links386 scores between 58 and 62.
| Also 6 Holes-in-One. Text solicits
| contact with other Links386 Fanatics.
| Friendly Interface, Supports MODs And
| More.
LJ4ENG.ZIP 15087 02-07-94 Lear Jet with 4 engines for MS-FS5.
LOADLAR.ZIP 126734 03-02-94 Loader Larry 1.0 Req: EGA/VGA Larry
| Lontrose is a part-time dock loader in
| his hometown of Longview. He has
| ambitions to be promoted up the cor-
| porate ladder. By solving the 20 mind-
| bending puzzle rooms, you can help Larry
| fulfill his dreams. Each room has
| objects like boxes, balloons, Tnt, and
| much more. He must reach the doors in
| each room.
LOGIPIX.ZIP 47178 03-19-94 LOGIPIX 1.0: Addictive logic/drawing
| puzzle game for the IBM PC! Figure out
| what the picture is.
LOTOPTST.ZIP 7954 02-25-94 TX Lotto Pre-test Info. Results of
| tests run before drawing.
LOTTO59.ZIP 58920 02-01-94 A nice Pick 3/6 Lotto program.
LOTTOT.ZIP 315724 03-06-94 Lotto Thunder 1.2 (for PICK-6 lotto's)
| A complete lotto prediction and number
| systems program. Has three completely
| different methods of predicting lotto
| numbers. Wheel systems up to 54
| numbers, multiple level predictions,
| save predictions, scan for winners, scan
| for past performance, auto and manual
| execution of prediction methods, no game
| limit.
LTOOL3.ZIP 144484 02-24-94 Lotto Tool 3.0. NEW! Allows usage of
| 3 - 8 digits and 1 - 75 number range in
| creation of new records base.
MADDLIB1.ZIP 14003 02-18-94 Maddlibs 1.000: Old-time Maddlib game
| that enables you to create your own
| hilarious stories.
MAHJNG41.ZIP 185974 02-10-94 Mah Jongg 4.1: Addictive solitaire
| game. Play with colorful Chinese tiles
| or design your own with the included
| tile editor -- 100's of tile sets
| available! Many game options including
| different layouts, timed games, stat-
| istics, colors, peek mode, help, tourna-
| ments, mouse/keyboard play. Supports
| EGA, VGA and Hercules graphics systems.
| Written by Nels Anderson <ASP>.
MATCHIT6.ZIP 91793 02-19-94 MatchIt 1.06: Fun memory game.
MAZEBLAZ.ZIP 61246 03-15-94 3-D Multi-level Maze game: Addictive.
MAZEZZT1.ZIP 9321 02-13-94 Maze in ZZT by Brendy Ebel. (Req.
| ZZT) This is a game written in ZZT OOP,
| can you guide your character through the
| maze of doom?
MDFNFL3.ZIP 12431 02-01-94 Mike Ditka Football: 1993 NFL Team
| Rosters.
MECHTEST.ZIP 326388 02-23-94 MechTest 1.0 for Windows. For the
| BattleMech Designer Combat Testing
| Utility Mech test is designed to be used
| with the board game Battletech published
| by FASA Corporation. Ever wonder
| which has the better firepower between
| two mechs? With this program you can
| test it out. Set the range, weapons,
| damage, etc.
MEGEM202.ZIP 146121 03-20-94 GRV UPD Mega-Em 2.02: Updated DOCS.
| X2 no longer needed for Street Fighter
| 2.
MGK_SFVU.ZIP 7228 02-19-94 Sim Farm Fix: Makes it work with Viper
MGZORRO.ZIP 208566 02-02-94 Jack Nicklaus signature - Zorro Blanco
| Golf Course.
MICEMEN.ZIP 102795 03-10-94 Mice Men 1.1 Requires: EGA/VGA An
| exciting fun-filled animated strategy
| logic game. Try to push & pull columns
| of cheese blocks to get your mice to
| the other end of the maze before your
| computer opponent. Mice Men is packed
| with features and written in stunning
| animated EGA/VGA graphics. It's an
| addicting logic strategy game for all
| ages! By Soleau Software.
MINIDE.ZIP 72243 03-11-94 Strategy game similar to Mine Sweeper,
| but works from DOS. Great for kids.
MJPNY_40.ZIP 9207 02-15-94 MJ TileSet: Mazes by Penny.
MOO11BTA.ZIP 346283 02-11-94 Master Of Orion 1.1: Patch fixes the
| diplomacy bug and a few others. Also
| adds better enemy AI and some minor
| improvements to the game map.
MOOSESE.ZIP 224143 02-23-94 Jack Nicklaus signature: Longlake.
MOO_ED.ZIP 53690 03-17-94 Shareware Masters of Orion saved game
| editor that lets you inspect and alter
| the planet data in a spreadsheet format.
| Lets you peek at the aliens and see how
| badly they are cheating.
MRPILL.ZIP 78635 03-23-94 MrPill 3.1: Keep MrPill moving through
| a continuous pipe conduit. You must
| arrange the pieces of pipe so that their
| continuity is preserved. Each pipe
| traversed is erased and earns you
| points. If MrPill enters a panel and
| the correct pipe configuration is not
| present (The pipe ends do not match),
| then MrPill will fall from the screen
| and the game is ended. Req: Windows.
MUSIQUIZ.ZIP 68920 03-27-94 MusiQuiz 1.3: Classical Music Trivia
| Game. This working DEMO version has a
| special EGA/VGA mode, but may be played
| on ANY IBM compatible computer. Test
| your knowledge of composers' works and
| lives, performers, and musical themes.
| by Software Visions. Enter the fortress
| and fight the evil Dr. Kris and his
| demon. Includes a RPG-style real-time
| battle scene and great ending music!
| From the maker of Code Red comes another
| great ZZT blockbuster!
NEUROLOT.ZIP 72079 02-16-94 A rather good program for choosing
| those all to important lotto numbers.
NIKNAK11.ZIP 26842 03-10-94 PM strategy game like Tic Tac Toe.
NOV30.ZIP 106258 02-18-94 Space shoot-em-up game similar to
| X-Wing.
NPASS.ZIP 272820 02-24-94 Northern Pass: Original golf course
| design for Jack Nicklaus Signature
| Edition Golf.
NUMBA_11.ZIP 29215 03-07-94 NUMBA 1.1 by Perry Smith! Comes with
| informative documents. The Game of
| NUMBA, Get more "NUMBAS" than your
| opponent two player fun, or against the
| computer! Player 1 goes Horizontally on
| the 8 x 8 playing board! Player 2,
| vertically!
NUMBERS.ZIP 1938 02-11-94 A great magic trick. Uses Basic.
| Small, but worth the download!
NUMLO.ZIP 96616 03-05-94 NUMLO 1.0 Requires EGA/VGA & MOUSE
| Numlo is a twist on the classic game of
| Othello. Instead of one opponent, you
| now play against two! The grids also
| contain point values which add to your
| score. Any Othello player will have to
| re-learn new strategies in this chal-
| lenging and unique puzzle game. Packed
| with features and multiple difficulty
| levels, Numlo is fun for all ages!
OILCAP6.ZIP 114037 03-05-94 OILCAP 6.1 Requires: EGA/VGA & Mouse
| Oilcap pits you against the clock as you
| try to contain the gushing oil by
| creating a series of passages to control
| its flow. Quick thinking and fast
| reflexes are essential in order to stay
| ahead of the onrushing oil. Strategy is
| required to correctly place the oddly
| shaped links in order to keep the oil
| flowing as long as possible.
ORBY10.ZIP 80226 03-08-94 Orbit Rebound Bankshot Yaw 1.0: A
| simple game that combines elements of
| hockey, billiards, and planetary orbits.
| Use strategy to score goals with
| orbiting planets. Play against another
| person, or see if you can beat the
| computer. Requires: 286/Herc/EGA/VGA.
| 386 and VGA are recommended.
PICKLE2.ZIP 46589 03-05-94 Addition #2 to Pickle Wars.
PICKLE3.ZIP 68009 02-13-94 Addition #3 to Pickle Wars.
PICKLE4.ZIP 114490 03-06-94 Addition #4 to Pickle Wars.
PICKLE5.ZIP 300849 03-26-94 Addition #5 to Pickle Wars.
PICKLE6.ZIP 209447 02-16-94 Addition #6 to Pickle Wars.
PICKLE7.ZIP 39576 03-17-94 Addition #8 to Pickle Wars.
PICKLE8.ZIP 68863 03-21-94 Addition #8 of Pickle Wars.
PICKLE9.ZIP 87056 03-10-94 Addition #9 to Pickle Wars.
PIPES1.ZIP 112268 02-24-94 PIPES: Arcade Maze Game 1.0. Req: 286,
| VGA, SB supported.
PLIX.ZIP 104244 03-07-94 PLIX 1.0 Requires: EGA/VGA Plix is
| mind-bending game of logic, planning and
| problem solving. The objective is to
| push and position patterned tiles onto
| their matching negative image at the
| bottom of the game board. Plix is
| packed with features & has 30 puzzles to
| choose from. This is a pure strategy
| game that will challenge all puzzle and
| logic gamers!
POD12.ZIP 79467 02-13-94 POD 1.2: Move your "POD" around a
| network of colored tracks to remove
| them, but avoid falling off. Some
| colors require multiple passes, and
| others do even more interesting things.
| Simple to learn, but quite difficult to
| master! A challenging game with great
| EGA graphics and a distinctive space
| flavor.
PQ410B.ZIP 181872 03-13-94 Police Quest IV: Open Season PATCH File
| to 1.0B. This patches 1.0 to 1.0b. Use
| this patch only if you are experiencing
| problems, and please note that this
| patch invalidates saved games, so you
| will have to start over again. Includes
| a new version of DOS EXTENDER, and fixes
| a number of fatal errors. Unzip to the
| PQ4 directory and run README.BAT then
PSHARK.ZIP 245147 02-05-94 POOL SHARK 2.1: Arcade Game.
| Artificial Intelligence, 3-D VGA Pool
| Game.
PTCM13D1.ZIP 175139 02-21-94 Patriot Command 1.3D: Fast-paced war
| game where you are in charge of an air
| defense system and your job is to
| protect potential ground targets from
| air bombardment by targeting and
| launching ground-to-air missiles.
PUZZLE20.ZIP 342487 02-20-94 Puzzle 2.0: Stunning SVGA images from
| around the world are in this puzzle
| game. Extremely flexible. Choose any
| number of pieces from 4 to 2000. Save
| puzzles, solution hints, simple mouse
| interface, and more.
| Complete hint file from the Sierra BBS
| brought to you by Bill Sikes and Fagin.
QG410A.ZIP 211027 03-07-94 QUEST FOR GLORY: Shadows of Darkness
| PATCH. Corrects problems encountered
| when playing. This patch file must be
| copied to the game directory and then
| executed. The patch only works on the
| DOS Floppy version. (A Windows patch is
| forthcoming). Please note that your
| saved games from previous versions will
| be invalid, and thus, you will have to
| restart the game.
QUIZRD52.ZIP 139845 03-23-94 Quizard's Mountain 5.2.
RAEASY12.ZIP 21683 02-25-94 Trainer for Rebel Assault. Works with
| version 1.4. Change ship sensitivity,
| auto targeting, point value, etc.
RAH9401R.ZIP 44078 02-27-94 Random Access Humor - Jan. 1994
| (READROOM.TOC version).
RCITY.ZIP 7795 02-09-94 A city for SimCity.
REAC1.ZIP 39568 02-02-94 Reactor: Maze game similar to AMAZE.
| Find your way through this maze inside
| of a nuclear reactor using your mouse to
| move forward, left and right. Don't
| take to long or you may die from
| overexposure.
REBEL14.ZIP 280826 03-09-94 Rebel Assault Patch 1.4.
RESCUE_2.ZIP 259058 02-03-94 Rescue! 1.2. Fly your nimble Hover-
| craft thru forests & perilous mountain
| passes. Scanning the sky, you swivel
| your rapid fire cannons in a deadly
| sweeping swath against the attacking
| missiles or to clear space for rapid
| evasive maneuvers while you blast your
| way thru the missile launcher defenses.
| Your friends/kids can be optional
| gunner(s).
ROTAK11.ZIP 113143 03-17-94 ROTAKTIX 1.1: An insidiously addictive
| 3-in-a-row action puzzle game with super
| 256 color VGA/MCGA graphics and effects,
| Soundblaster sound and music & more.
| Data Wave Software.
RTZHINTS.ZIP 8649 02-27-94 Hints and Solution for Return to Zork.
RWPFIX1.ZIP 133449 03-17-94 Fix for Mallard's Real Weather Pilot
| for FS4 and FS5. Fixes modem hanging
| when dialing DUATS.
RWPFSPTG.ZIP 688265 02-21-94 Real weather pilot for Microsoft's
| Flight Simulator.
RYLMLBRN.ZIP 242551 02-11-94 Jack Nicklaus signature: Royal
| Melbourne.
SAMMAXPT.ZIP 77745 03-19-94 Updated version of EXE file for game
| called Sam and Max Hit the Road. Fixes
| various bugs and hangs.
SAMMAXUH.ZIP 18054 02-09-94 Universal Hint System (UHS) file for
| the game "Sam and Max".
SANFIGHT.ZIP 1115653 02-11-94 Sango Fighter: Awesome graphics/sound.
| Supports Adlib, SB, MT32, GMIDI.
SC2MONEY.ZIP 28989 02-11-94 SimCity 2000 Money Cheat.
SCARY2.ZIP 150411 02-17-94 ScaryFish 2.0: Multi-species Fishing
| Game for 1-4 Players. Over 25 species,
| many options. Has "Relaxing" and
| Tournament modes. Requires: 400k.
| Supports: CGA/EGA/VGA.
SCEASY10.ZIP 15050 02-22-94 SCEASY 1.0: A utility written for
| Strike Commander and Tactical
| Operations. It fixes game data files by
| crippling game vehicle guns, missiles,
| and surface weapons. Your air combat
| sequences are made EASIER. This is a
| good "trainer" program for Strike
| Commander. SCEASY will not harm your
| SAV Files.
SC_SAVES.ZIP 3586 03-18-94 Super Contra Saved Games FULL lives,
| GREAT weapons, and WEAK bosses!
SEGA0194.ZIP 79692 02-02-94 SEGA/GENESIS TIPS JANUARY 17, 1994
| This is the latest text of game tips for
| the Sega/Genesis. 213 games are
| covered.
SEGA94.ZIP 78503 02-03-94 Sega Genesis Game Hints: 213 games.
SEGA_2.ZIP 32925 03-27-94 Second edition of Hints and Codes for
| SEGA games.
SETBALLS.ZIP 36255 03-02-94 Set the number of balls in Epic Pinball
| first SIX tables (from 1 to infinite).
SHOOTG30.ZIP 178745 03-12-94 Shooting Gallery 3.0: Colorful VGA
| action. Offers seven rounds of shooting
| action with arcade shooting range,
| skeet, target and wild west shootout.
| Supports: SB/Multiple players/
| selectable rounds/practice modes. Req:
| VGA/MCGA/Mouse.
SILLYHPY.ZIP 43173 02-04-94 SILLY HAPPY LA LA VILLE: Sim City 2000
| city with over 4,000,000 people and
| $2,000,000. Still rooms for expansion,
| and some problems to work out. You need
| Sim City 2000 to use this file.
SIMCIT9M.ZIP 115607 02-25-94 Simcity games: One has a population of
| 8 million, the other has population of 9
| million.
SKYROADS.ZIP 415476 02-13-94 SkyRoads: Great 3-D challenge for
| those who dare! Imagine cruising a road
| in Crab Nebula with your star glider!
| Catch breathtaking views of the
| universe! Loaded with superb graphics,
| marvelous tunes and smooth 3-D
| animation, SkyRoads is a game that is
| definitely fun.
SLICK126.ZIP 155895 03-05-94 Slicks'n'slides! Finnish-made shareware
| game of up to four cars driving against
| each other. Newest version 1.26. Now
| in English language too. Supports 100%
| SB compatible cards! Very fun!
SNOWBZZT.ZIP 137311 02-26-94 SnowBalls [zzt]: A surreal Christmas
| arcade game! You will control a little
| tube and you must catch the falling
| SnowBalls from the sky before they hit
| the ground. A perfect game for
| Christmas. Req: 286/540K.
SPADES30.ZIP 153095 02-21-94 SPADES 3.0 by Spaceways. Classic card
| game. Team or individual play, set up
| your own favorite rule and score
| variations, fun for anyone and a real
| challenge for serious players. Requires
| 286 or higher, ANY VGA! Spaceways
| Software.
| spells of the 1st to 3rd level for AD&D.
| These spells will bring variety to your
| mage's life. Another fine product from
| Pendragon Productions!!!
SPOKER22.ZIP 187461 02-22-94 Strategy Poker 2.2: Casino game similar
| to the popular video games found in
| gaming establishments. Features drawing
| strategy, statistics, and autoplay.
| Req: EGA/VGA.
SS107.ZIP 311802 02-01-94 Solitaire Suite 1.07. 7 classic
| solitaires, includes Calculation,
| Concentration, Idiot's Delight, Midnight
| Oil, Monte Carlo, Osmosis, and Royal
| Cotillion. Traditional solitaire with a
| modern, graphical user interface. By
| Randy Rasa. Req EGA and mouse.
SUPRCR3.ZIP 67119 02-14-94 SuperCroc: Animated puzzle game
| featuring exploding crocodiles.
| Supports SB/CMF. Req: EGA/VGA.
SUPRCROC.ZIP 42942 02-18-94 Super Croc: Challenging puzzle game.
| The objective is to remove as many
| crocodiles as you can by jumping one
| over another. It features animated
| exploding crocodiles. Req: EGA/VGA.
SW1940.ZIP 270768 02-18-94 Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe,
| additional missions; what if the war
| carried on?
| Journey back to the land of Sheol where
| valiant knights fight against the Dark
| Forces. You, as the Lord Champion, must
| find the new Keeper of the Power before
| Evil does, or all will be lost. Explore
| a world 150% larger than Syree I. New
| music, new graphics, new spells. Sup-
| ports SoundBlaster for music and effects
| with add-on package SYREE2SB.ZIP.
SYREE2SB.ZIP 980561 03-09-94 The Kingdom of Syree II Black Magic
| SoundBlaster Effects Accessory Pack. Add
| over 1 meg of SoundBlaster music and
| effects to your Syree II experience. A
| highly recommended add-on package.
| Requires SoundBlaster or 100%.
T7G_TIP1.ZIP 10340 02-08-94 Game hints: The Seventh Guest.
TARGEVAL.ZIP 38357 02-23-94 Target shooters' target evaluation
| utility.
TBS10.ZIP 435307 02-17-94 Starship Commander's Tactical Battle
| Simulator - allows you to command a
| starship or a small group of starships
| in a battle situation. Features include
| mouse support, graphical user interface,
| sound effects, music, animations,
| scenarios that take place in real time,
| and more. Requires EGA/VGA and a hard
| drive.
TERRA703.ZIP 504086 02-13-94 Space War: Ship to Ship attacks!
THREE_CS.ZIP 37688 02-12-94 A tile set for Mah Jongg VGA 3.0: This
| is a .TIS tile set of three Cindys in
| swimsuits. Black and White, Very
| tasteful.
TOMPAT2.ZIP 121697 03-26-94 TOMMY'S PATIENCE II: Play 4 neat
| Solitaire games with this toy: Betsy
| Ross, Corner Card (The 4 Seasons),
| Pyramid, and Sir Tommy!
TOR1C.ZIP 277114 02-02-94 Official patch for "Tornado" flight
| simulator: Fixes several items,
| including some joystick problems, and
| downgrades SAM lethality.
TOWER100.ZIP 69305 03-08-94 4 Towers: Solitaire card game.
TROUBLSE.ZIP 307069 02-14-94 Jack Nicklaus signature - Troublesome
| Creek.
TW2DOC.ZIP 24789 02-18-94 Extensive docs for the new Trade Wars
| 2002 2.0. Covers all the old features
| plus MOST of the new stuff. Planet
| information and ship information is
| coming soon!
T_TOWN.ZIP 50184 02-09-94 A city for SimCity 2000: $1.6 billion
| and nearly 3 million people.
USURP002.ZIP 287060 02-05-94 Welcome to Usurper, a fantasy game
| filled with fast-paced action, violence
| and instant death. This game has only
| one purpose: to give you a good time
| without the need of reading any lengthy
| documentation. You can actually enter
| the game and go berzerk straight away.
UW2EDV1.ZIP 78813 02-17-94 UltimaEdit 1.0: The Best Ultima
| Underworld II editor! Newly designed
| graphical interface for making easy
| changes to character. Automatically
| backs up original PLAYER.DAT file for
| protection. Can restore original values
| after many changes have been made.
| Written in C using the ObjectEase
| library.
VEGAS4.ZIP 69552 02-24-94 This is Las Vegas scenery file for
| Microsoft's Flight Simulator 4.
VP314.ZIP 1049691 02-16-94 VGA Planets 3.14: This file has all
| you need to start your game on a BBS or
| play on your own computer.
VPTUT302.ZIP 102454 04-12-94 VIDEO POKER TUTOR 3.02. A graphical
| poker training system, with arcade-style
| action. Many features for new and
| veteran poker players alike. From
| Panamint Software.
WADTLS.ZIP 26331 02-06-94 Freeware program to view the contents
| of DOOM's library file. View each
| resource as a hex dump, or as a standard
| VGA picture. Can also export graphic
| resources to LBM files, and you may
| import them too.
WCAMISS1.ZIP 4619 02-25-94 Custom missions for Wing Commander
| Academy.
WFILL22.ZIP 80958 01-03-94 WORD FILL 2.2: Fill-in-the-Word puzzle
| program. The program can create an
| extensive number of puzzle programs of
| different types and skill levels. A
| list of words can be entered to create a
| personalized puzzle. Great for teachers
| and publishers.
WURM.ZIP 57230 02-20-94 Fruit Worm: Guide your worm around the
| play field, grabbing goodies and
| avoiding your ever-growing tail. Fun
| and addicting! Req: VGA.
XARG_PRE.ZIP 132733 03-04-94 THE XARGON TRILOGY: The hottest new
| release from EPIC MegaGames. With 256-
| color scrolling graphics, digital sound
| effects and 21 original songs for those
| with a Sound Blaster or compatible music
| card. The TRILOGY consists of Forty
| Gigantic Levels with enough excitement
| to keep you entertained for many months
| to come.
XP114.ZIP 103879 03-27-94 X-Wing Pro 1.14: The Ultimate XWING
| editor. Edits: Pilot Files, Ships, and
| Missions. Supports Tours 1-5, and
| 1.0-v1.1a of XWING. Now Supports the
| NEW BWING add on Pack and TOUR 5! Also
| a TSR to revive pilots from inside
| XWING. This version sports a new VGA/EGA
| Graphic Mission Editor.
XWORDC10.ZIP 174502 04-22-94 Crossword Challenge - VGA puzzle game.
| Solve electronic crossword puzzles on
| your computer! Answer peek, save work
| options featured. Requires VGA & HD.
ZEUX1.ZIP 156643 03-24-94 Labyrinth of Zeux by Software Visions
| Explore Zeux in search of a mystical
| staff. Req: VGA graphics, logical
| thinking, and quick reflexes. Sound
| Blaster support.
ZORKSAV.ZIP 360845 02-21-94 Some Return to Zork saved games ranging
| from the beginning to the ending.
_1DUKE4.ZIP 1118312 03-06-94 Duke Nukem II: Apogee's Matchless Hero
| Returns in VGA. This sequel takes Duke
| to an alien planet where his brain can
| be used to devise the ultimate attack
| against Earth! Incredible action than
| any game ever, with killer music, SB
| effects, & cinematics. Duke uses four
| powerful weapons, flies an attack
| shuttle, shoots in 4 directions, etc.
| Multiple skill levels.
_1HH12.ZIP 1294284 02-25-94 Halloween Harry 1.2: The best 256-color
| VGA action/arcade game for the IBM PC!
| Harry has an arsenal of powerful weapons
| (guided missile, photon cannon, micro
| nukes, jetpack, more) Harry has the
| zombie aliens shakin'in their slimy
| shoes! Cool cinematics, Sound Blaster
| music, superb animation, hilarious
| story. Save/restore, 3 skill levels,
| boss enemies. Req: 386/VGA.
_1HH12_A.ZIP 1126414 02-07-94 Halloween Harry 1.2: The best 256-color
| VGA action/arcade game for the IBM PC!
| Harry has an arsenal of powerful weapons
| (guided missile, photon cannon, micro
| nukes, jetpack, more) Cool cinematics,
| Sound Blaster musicsfx. Superb
| animation, hilarious story. Harry has
| the zombie aliens shakin' in their
| shoes! Save/restore, 3 skill levels,
| boss enemies. Req: VGA/386. (1 of 4)
_1HH12_B.ZIP 328270 02-13-94 Halloween Harry 1.2: The best 256-color
| VGA action/arcade game for the IBM PC!
| Harry has an arsenal of powerful weapons
| (guided missile, photon cannon, micro
| nukes, jetpack, more) Cool cinematics,
| Sound Blaster musicsfx. Superb
| animation, hilarious story. Harry has
| the zombie aliens shakin' in their
| shoes! Save/restore, 3 skill levels,
| boss enemies. Req: VGA/386. (2 of 4)
_1HH12_C.ZIP 327915 02-04-94 Halloween Harry 1.2: The best 256-color
| VGA action/arcade game for the IBM PC!
| Harry has an arsenal of powerful weapons
| (guided missile, photon cannon, micro
| nukes, jetpack, more) Cool cinematics,
| Sound Blaster musicsfx. Superb
| animation, hilarious story. Harry has
| the zombie aliens shakin' in their
| shoes! Save/restore, 3 skill levels,
| boss enemies. Req: VGA/386. (3 of 4)
_1HH12_D.ZIP 294288 02-11-94 Halloween Harry 1.2: The best 256-color
| VGA action/arcade game for the IBM PC!
| Harry has an arsenal of powerful weapons
| (guided missile, photon cannon, micro
| nukes, jetpack, more) Cool cinematics,
| Sound Blaster musicsfx. Superb
| animation, hilarious story. Harry has
| the zombie aliens shakin' in their
| shoes! Save/restore, 3 skill levels,
| boss enemies. Req: VGA/386. (4 of 4)
_4KEENC.ZIP 510211 03-14-94 KEEN in GOODBYE GALAXY - CGA version
| ALL-NEW! Finally in CGA graphics, too!
| Now those with CGA graphics can enjoy
| the epic adventures of kid genius, Billy
| Blaze. Over 1.6 MEGs of ultra-smooth,
| full-screen, high speed graphics &
| ANIMATION GALORE! Play the game that
| beats all the slow moving animated
| commercial games. Released by Apogee.
_9POKWIN.ZIP 395998 02-02-94 Poke-It Poker: Las Vegas Video Poker.
| Req: Windows/VBRUN200.DLL.
_ELECTRO.ZIP 425625 03-21-94 ELECTRO MAN Your starbase has been
| infiltrated by alien attackers. In
| Electro Man, you must journey through
| dozens of screens filled with exciting
| puzzles and run-jump-and-shoot action!
| You'll be addicted to this 256- color
| game from Epic MegaGames and Xland
| instantly. Requires 386 or faster
| processor. Supports Sound Blaster and
| Adlib music cards.
_HEART.ZIP 560697 03-21-94 HEARTLIGHT Guide the elf Percival
| through twenty levels of puzzles
| featuring 256-color animated graphics!
| Heartlight is a puzzle game from Epic
| MegaGames and XLAND Games and it's sure
| to keep you up late at night as you try
| to conquer all the ingenious levels.
| Requires 386 or faster processor.
| Supports Sound Blaster and Adlib music
| cards.
_LTW5.ZIP 269050 02-25-94 The Complete Lottery Tracker & Wheeler:
| Pick-5, 6; PA Super 7; Powerball games.
_PINBALL.ZIP 707187 02-25-94 EPIC PINBALL Brings true arcade-style
| pinball to life on your PC! With
| 256-color scrolling graphics, digital
| music and sound for SB/Pro/Gravis.
| Contains the ultra-hot pinball table
| ANDROID with all the shots, sounds,
| action, and excitement of the real
| thing! Shareware from Epic MegaGames,
| creators of the record breaking
| commercial pinball game Silverball.
_ZEUX1.ZIP 118711 02-03-94 Labrynth of Zeux. Explore Zeux in
| search of a mystical staff. Req: VGA.